Tuesday, May 12, 2009

|:: Wonderful Wife ::|

if you were to ask me what kind of person i would want to have as a wife, i would not be able to tell you. and to be completely honest, i still don't think that i can answer that question. but i do know one thing, i do have a great wife.

probably about one year ago, at this time, i would still be in india, in a city called mysore. it would be reaching near the end of wifey's stay in india and she would now have to leave to fly back to malaysia. but me on the other hand, i would have to stay in india for a bit longer before i too had to return to the states. this was perhaps one of the hardest moments for wifey and i, as we both didn't know what was to become of us once we parted ways.

i never thought that long distance relationships could work out, but i guess i just never found anyone worth waiting for. after meeting wifey and spending all those precious moments with her in india, the choice was much easier to make. and even if i knew what it would mean for us to stay together after we both left india, i was ready for that decision; i was ready to marry her.

after i got back to the states, i filed the paper for the petition to sponser wifey over. the process would take roughly 6 months or more, so we had to do it right away. and even during that time, we were still getting to know each other bit by bit. there was still a bit of doubt and uncertainty about what we were both getting into, i guess me more than her. but i didn't want to jump into marriage and then end up finding out that it was a mistake, i wanted to be more sure that this is what i really wanted.

so we waited for each other for the long 6 months. always using skype to talk to each other online. we had a set time for us to talk, and we would try to talk everyday. it was tough being long distance, and i never imagined it would as tough as it was. when times were good, things were fine, but when we got into arguements it would be so damaging. a few times, we were at the brinks of breaking up and calling the whole marriage off. it was the most challenging relationship i had ever been in, a true test to my character.

after everything that we both went through, boy i gotta say, it was all worth it. we are together now happily together. i can't believe that i was lucky enough to have found her, i really must have done something right in my past life to be this lucky. she is an amazing person, who always care and support me. someone who will try her best to do everything that makes me happy. she is always there to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be alright when i fall. she cooks, cleans, washes her clothes, and makes soft toys on the side.

so though i don't really know what a perfect wife is or what sort of person my wife should be. i just have this gut feeling that i made the absolute right choice back in india, and i am still blessed to this day. wifey, you will always be my wife, the only wife for me.



wow... this is so touching, almost cried...

thinks2much said...

hi Arlia, thank you for reading my post. i'm glad to know that my story has been inspirational, and hopefully it has touched you in a positive way; so that you can reach high to the sky and find the person that is worth your wait. best wishes.