Sunday, May 10, 2009

|:: Ugly Work ::|

ah yes, the good old crazy topic of work. here's an overview about work:

it sucks!

ok and here's why. i'm still working for an indian company that doesn't know or care that i exist. i work for a shitty manager who also doesn't care or know that i exist. the damn guy only talks to me when his ass is on the line about something related to the project. and everytime he demands that i give him a complete overview of everything that has happened in the past month that he didn't talk to me. oh and of course it has to be in a "PPT" one page slide for his lazy ass to read.

then there is my partner who is suppose to be my lead to the project. right from the beginning when i met him, i sensed that he wasn't the right guy for the job. how? when he told me that the project was 80% complete and that all i was to do was deliever it to the client. and when he give me the application, the very first page crashed when i clicked "Go". shocked, i asked him stupidly if that was suppose to happen, and i get a bullshit answer about how offshore fucked it up; now it would take them 2 days to fix. my first impression...

really, i can go on and go for hours about how these two fucks have cause me a great deal of distress. but instead, im going to focus in on how i'm going to get out of the mess that i got myself into by joining this company.

yup, i'm going to do the only thing that makes sense... i'm going to quit!

now i know that the economy is bad and so many people are struggling to find work. but just thinking about working makes me feel angry and sick. i mean seriously, im here sitting on sunday and already i feel upset that tomorrow i will have to go back to work and face these damn bastards. it's really destroying my life.

after quitting, i want to take some time off and just do nothing for a month or so. of course i'll be looking for a new job all the while, and maybe will get lucky and find something good. i met up and had dinner with a friend and former coworker at boeing, tien and his girlfriend, on friday. he told me that he took lots of risks and moved around a lot when he was my age, and that in the end it worked out for him.

imma do the same thing! come end of the month i'm done with infoshit.

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