Monday, May 11, 2009

|:: Memories of Monday the 11th ::|

woke up today not wanting to go to work, no surprise there. i think i had some sort of nightmare, but didn't remember it too well; just that i woke up feeling a bit confused, like not knowing who to trust. then i see roccio (our dog) in the corner of my eye begging for food, so i pretend to close my eyes as to not see him. that's son of a bitch (literally) is so smart that he knows that i saw him, and continues begging while making this increasingly loud groaning noise.

so i wiggle out of the blanket to sit on the floor for a moment to refocus my eyes. 7:10... damn, probably going to be late again. went to get roccio's food from the other side of the room. dished him some kibbles in his bowl and placed it on the floor where he usually eats. then the idiot comes waltzing over lazily, looks at the food, and heads straight back into his cage to sleep! son of a... >O

took extra time to shower and think. had doubts about quitting work and how we are going to survive with no income for a while. really was tried to convince myself that quitting was a big mistake and that i should suck it up no matter how tough work was. then the logical reasoning kicked in and though it wasn't like a total change of mood, it did help reassure me that this was the right thing to do.

im such a fucking pansy when it comes to making life changing decisions like this...

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