Sunday, June 21, 2009

|:: 3 Weeks Later ::|

here we are 3 weeks later after being unemployed and what do i have to show for it? besides the happiest feeling of being free from working for someone, and the ability to do whatever i want whenever i want, things are going well. why not great and only well? because i need progression.

progression in terms of achieving my goals and dreams. my goal is to not have to work for someone in the next 2 years. it is also to be financially independent before i am 35 years old. so progression is the movement from where i am now to where my goals lay... and right now, i feel as though i am making progression but not at the rate of which i want to be moving.

waiting was never my strong point, but i understand the importance of being patience. i need to keep pushing myself to make progress now because all that is driving me is my motivation. this is quite different from having a day job where you don't have to think about doing something, because it's expected of you to go to work. but when you work for yourself, you are everything. knowing myself, i hope i don't work myself down too hard.

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