Saturday, December 27, 2008

|:: What it means to live in Mute ::|

Ok well, I haven't exactly been keeping my blog post... heheh, things have been busy / rough / good / whatever. So let's get back to it then. :D

I was thinking of how lame this blog name is "Life on Mute", I mean o.O what the heck right? Well, it is exactly what it means, and perhaps the reason why I don't blog much or am able to keep my journals up-to-date. I'm just the type of person who likes to keep things inside and only share with the people closest to me, so far there is just one person with that role... I love you honey!

It sucks sometimes though because I tend to keep feelings bottled up or pent up inside, and when things get tough, I wind up writing again... Sadly, it seems that I only write when I am upset and feel trapped that I can't express my frustration out. Hehe but don't worry, I'm not upset right now. In fact, I'm sitting here next to the bed writing this while honey gets ready. We are going out for dinner tonight with a friend, and actually I'm feeling, pretty damn good. 

Time to get out of "mute" mode cause there is so many things going on everyday. Documenting it down and then being able to reflect on the good or bad times in the future is priceless; wish I hadn't burnt all my old journals. =O

Mute no more!

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